August 20, 2011

Where was I?

Newsflash: Cris makes rookie mistake and goes running in the heat without water. DUMB. My reasoning was also rookie: I'm fairly acclimated at this point, I'm only going a couple miles, etc etc. See, I was running in a new pair of shoes for the first time and didn't want to go too far in them - it'll take a while to break them in. But I didn't take water, either, and that was just dumb. I was very uncomfortable out there on a route that I usually run quite well.

So where was I? Where am I?

I've seen most of my doctors lately and I'm still not a candidate for transplant, thankfully, but I'll be the first to admit that it's getting harder and harder to keep my lungs clear and functional. In fact, I'm on IVs again, a mere six weeks after coming off them. That's not a record for me, though, as there was one time I only had four weeks off.

Dad's birthday passed this week. He would have been 69. In a few days, I'll be off to Terre Haute for Dad's memorial.

And, of course, I'm working. That's good, though I'm less than energized by the work I'm doing right now. I'm designing - drafting at this point - two sets of Christmas windows. Neither of which is based on a particularly solid premise. They could be charming; they could be disasters. At every turn, I'm told budgets have been slashed, we can't do THIS, we can't do THAT... and I fear that will make all the difference.

On the plus side, the IVs are working - my sputum was markedly less green and I'm producing less. And while my running abilities have nosedived through lack of ability to breathe and just lack of practice, I have gotten back on the bike and am pretty good at cranking away for an hour and squeezing a worthwhile workout out of it. If I'm serious about my health, I'll get back to 3 runs a week and add in a weekly weights workout at my gym, something I've neglected all summer. Who wants to be in a gym while the sun shines?

The year is about to start at FIT and I'm slated to teach two classes. I am uneasy about this, but can't back out now. If the Vectorworks I course doesn't go any better than this last spring, I'll decline to teach it again.

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