April 17, 2010

Mellow 2.2 miles

Feeling pretty good today after a night of drinking. I didn't mean to drink so much, but we were having a good time and before I knew it, the bar staff was turning on the lights and putting chairs on tables. WTF?? I couldn't believe how late it was! Woke up feeling GREAT this morning!

After some breathing treatment and tea, I got out in the cloudy chill (50 degrees) with the hybrid running outfit - winter up top, summer on the bottom. :)

Not a bad run, really. Slow first mile, of course, but better than I thought it would be and the second mile was really nice. Again, I was able in the last half mile to keep running at a slow pace where I'd have been walking a couple weeks ago. I'd like to keep this up and extend up on it - probably extend my distance. Maybe tomorrow, I'll go all the way around the cemetary. 4 miles seems like a long, long way right now!

1 comment:

Danny said...

Actually I thought the title said 22 miles. I was shocked for a second!!

Well, slowly but surely you're getting back out there!