April 12, 2007

maybe we don't

I may not make it to the Brooklyn half on Saturday. I am just exhausted right now and won't get to bed before 1 a.m. either tonight or Friday. Getting up at 5 a.m. to go run a half-marathon.... I don't know. I would much rather get my sleep on Saturday and put in a long run on my own time later in the day. It's not like I've been training for this one, or anything. I guess I'll see how wiped out I feel Saturday morning.

I did get a solid five miles in last Sunday and it felt really good. Minor amounts of walking, but nothing too disappointing. I haven't been running this week, except for running between two jobs. This will continue thru next week and then things lighten up. Time to start getting some runs in before going to work, now that the sun is rising in good time.

1 comment:

runliarun said...

Hey, your mood has improved.