This is what happens when I toke up on 8-hour tylenol before a race: I don't feel the damage being done like I should. So I don't think it's even there. Then the next morning....
oh, god, for about an hour this morning I felt like I was crippled. The tops of both feet, where they transition into being shins, are very very sore and don't like moving much. My best cure will be a motorcycle ride and I have to go get groceries anyway...
BTW, Bloggers, if it seems like I don't post many comments, it's not that I'm not trying. I've noticed the anti-spam feature seems to take blogger a long time to process and that's especially true if the comment window is set to be a pop-up, instead of in the main comments section. I'll try and try to get a comment through, but it isn't happening. If people are having similar problems with my pages, I hope they'll let me know.
Yikes!! Be careful!! I'm afraid to take something when I run--now you've convinced me not to!!
Love your header!!
i noticed the new blog layout as well, very nice, sorry about your footies
You changed your template. Yours is the first of the running blogs I now frequent I came upon. I admired the headline and pictures - still have not figured out how exactly to put it together in a similar way.
Had trouble posting comments myself lately - has something to do, I believe, with so many people switching over to beta. Overcame it by signing on into a google account. Not sure this is completley correct.
You changed your profile as well. Flat feet? I am in awe that you are running. My boyfriend has them and 20 minutes upright can kill him. We are the most mismatched couple, he, he. Well, when it comes to locomotion, let's say.
well,Lia, the real lifesaver has been the orthotics. I made it through my first marathon not knowing flat feet are just impossible to work with and ran wearing two kinds of insoles in one shoe and a third kind in another. Things are better these days. Thanks for the comments about the template. I'm hoping to keep pushing it and make it more unique among all these ones based on Minima by Doug Bowman.
I like the new blog layout!!!
Sorry to hear about your feet:-( I hear you on taking medicine and feeling it later. That's the story of my past 2 1/2 months.
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