May 30, 2006


Decent run this evening. Two and change. Big goal was simply not to STOP, not to walk. Mission accomplished. I was in pain pretty much the whole time, but I tried to use the run as a way of gauging what might be causing my shin pains. I concluded that most of it is just fatigue in the muscles and tendons, but I have no idea why they'd be pulling this crap after almost 20 months of running. Another factor might be how tight the muscles are, which I can work on if I'll keep focused on it.

I did discover that I hurt more if I went slow, while the pain seemed to lessen if I went faster. Weird. Towards the end of the two miles, the pain was almost gone; after fifteen minutes of stretching on the steps, the pain WAS gone and my legs actually felt GOOD in a way I haven't felt in a few weeks, running or not. Could this be an upswing in things? I hope so.

It's amazing how my mood changes depending on how a run went or is going. Prior to today's run, I looked down the road to November 7th darkly, wondering how in hell I was even going to start a modest training cycle. But after this evening's run, I feel more positive and will have to spend some time this week putting together a training plan. I am planning to start my official marathon training this coming Sunday.


Morrissey said...

"I did discover that I hurt more if I went slow, while the pain seemed to lessen if I went faster."

Brooklyn, i feel the same too! But definitely a job well done to get up and run despite the warm and humid weather! I did a full loop of CP this evening too!

But most importantly - take good care of the you got a marathon coming up! hehehe

About Me: said...

on sunday thought i was gonna die from upset stomach and the enda weekend blues. then, i ran. up mood, gone stomach pain. tada! it's the ups and downs of running, man, so goes life.

ps sis and i laughed hysterically at your post about how you woulda gotten rid of her. or something like that.

Lora said...

s-t-r-e-t-c-h baby s-t-r-e-t-c-h!! I found I can't keep going without it! Running is our drug I guess, not a bad habit to be into!
Will you share with us your training plan???

Sam Gardner said...

I used to have my running blog in Brooklyn too at Though I don't post enough. Now I put my energy in our website By the end of the week we hope to have a new version up and running, and hope to build a community with runners through it.
