January 13, 2006


had a very difficult workout today. I'm not going to characterize it as a "run", as I did almost as much walking as running. I did 6.7 mile loop, making it up to Prospect Park OK, but with a short walk in the middle of that segment. At the park, I stopped to stretch and happened to notice a Marine Corp bumper sticker stuck on the side of a yellow traffic-signal control box.

PAIN is WEAKNESS LEAVING the BODY, the sticker said.

Huh; now that's food for thought. Wil would love that line!

Anyway, on this grey day not unlike the weather we had LAST time I ran, the run was increasingly difficult and I spent more and more time walking - even on the downhill final segment! I sometimes think the suffocating feeling in my lungs is all in my mind, but the physical evidence is there: I cannot take a deep breath, all my coughing is productive, and my sputum has color and quantity. Damn. I hope this Bactrim gets to work quick and that my lung function gets back up the last couple steps to where I was a few months ago. I also hope that winter is mercifully short this year; I'm certain that the weather works against me psychologically.

It's just that this flip-flopping of good runs then bad runs is annoying. Why can't I experience something approximating an even keel?

Confidential to Beast: I'm also noticing other goobers in the park, but all of them are clear. Not mine!

1 comment:

Rebel said...

I do leave my share.