January 12, 2006

i am done with these ridiculous themed headings

That's it, no more. Back to regular post headings for a while.

Yesterday's run was OK, not great, not terrible. I walked quite a bit - three or four times - in my 6.7 mile Prospect Park loop. Even had to walk part of the biggest uphill. :( Most hills didn't get me, though; the out-of-breath seems to come almost randomly. The weather probably had a lot to do with it. It was murky, grey, not rainy, but not dry. No warm, but not cool. Weird. It was interesting to run in, but not something I want to do every day.

I used the run to pick up a fresh box of contacts and go by the ATM. I had meant to stop there, but it seemed faster to run the 1.5 miles home than to walk down to the subway and take that home. So my run was longer than planned, but that's OK, as I'll wind up short on mileage this week anyway. I'm doing a bike commute to work today, since the weather is so warm and perfect, and that will definitely equal the effort and cardiovascular benefits of the otherwise-planned 5-miler.

I found this article to be an interesting and quick read. Good solid advice all marathoners need to remind themselves of.

I'm signing up for Manhattan half today. My plan for that race will be to test pacing, hydration, and fueling strategies. I'd like to run negative splits and if last weekend's 12 miles is any indication, I can probably do it.

BTW, doc found micobacteria in my cultures as well as staph. No pseudomonas has shown up. So I'm going on a version of bactrim for the next 2-3 weeks. Hope it helps; I've been feeling like hell lately, and being drained from the constant coughing and not sleeping well.... none of this is helping my training.


Rebel said...

I ran 8 miles in Prospect Park yesterday. I noticed some goobers on the floor and wondering if you were around. I was on the top loop so it conceivable we kept missing each other. Hope you are feeling better soon. I think I've finally made a recovery.

nyflygirl said...

i liked the ridiculous themed headings :)